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  • 24/36-Hour Rule Exception 3: Competition After Two Quarter Terms of Attendance

    Bylaw: Article V, Section C, Item 6 “A student in a quarter system must have accumulated 24 institutional credit hours in the previous two quarter terms of attendance if completion of three quarter terms of attendance has not occurred. Upon completion of three quarter terms of attendance the student must have accumulated 36 institutional credit…

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  • Progress Rule Exception Mixed Terms

    Bylaw: Article V, Section C, Item 9 “To participate a second season in a sport, all students must have accumulated at least 24 semester/36 quarter (or equivalent) institutional credit hours. EXCEPTION: A freshman who initially becomes identified after the first term in the fall shall meet this requirement by having passed 12 semester or 20…

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  • Retaining Eligibility for NAIA Postseason

    Bylaw: Article V, Section D, Item 4 “A student who is eligible during the regular sport season for a particular sport and who is eligible at the end of the regular sport season shall retain eligibility in that particular sport for participation in NAIA postseason competition provided the student was in attendance the term immediately…

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  • Undergraduate Courses for Graduate Identification

    Bylaw: Article V, Section D, Item 5 “A student who has completed all academic requirements for graduation from a four-year institution as defined by that institution shall no longer be eligible to compete in intercollegiate athletics. EXCEPTION 2: A student who has completed all academic requirements for graduation and who is enrolled in a graduate…

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  • Second Major Area of Study

    Bylaw: Article V, Section D, Item 5 “A student who has completed all academic requirements for graduation from a four-year institution as defined by that institution shall no longer be eligible to compete in intercollegiate athletics. EXCEPTION 1: A student who has completed all academic requirements for graduation and who is enrolled and seeking a…

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  • Progress Rule Calculation: Term Totals vs. Accumulated Totals

    Bylaw: Article V, Section C, Item 9 “To participate a second season in a sport, all students must have accumulated at least 24 semester/36 quarter (or equivalent) institutional credit hours…To participate the third season in a sport, all students must have accumulated at least 48 semester/72 quarter (or equivalent) institutional credit hours…To participate the fourth…

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  • 48-Hour General Education Requirement, Transfer Students

    Bylaw: Article V, Section C, Item 9 “To participate the fourth season in a sport, all students must have accumulated at least 72 semester/108 quarter (or equivalent) institutional credit hours, at least 48 semester/72 quarter hours of which must be in general education and/or in the student’s major field of study.” “Transfer students shall use…

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  • Junior Academic Standing

    Bylaw: Article V, Section C, Item 8 “Upon reaching junior academic standing as defined by the institution, a student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.000 on a 4.000 scale. The 2.000 cumulative GPA or higher must be certified each grading period in which the student wishes to compete after junior academic standing…

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  • Senior Exception to 12-Hour Enrollment Rule – Location

    Bylaw: Article V, Section C, Item 3 “The student must be identified and enrolled in a minimum of 12 institutional credit hours at the time of participation. EXCEPTION: A student who will complete requirements for graduation for a baccalaureate degree within 10 semesters, 15 quarters, 12 trimesters or less may retain eligibility during the last…

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  • Multiple GPA’s Weighted vs. Unweighted

    Bylaw: Article V, Section C, Item 2b Effective May 1, 2022 as applied to eligibility decisions for NAIA competition in August 2022 or beyond: An entering freshman student can become eligible by achieving an overall high school grade point average of 2.300 or higher on a 4.000 scale. “An entering freshman student must meet two…

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