Tag: 24-week season

  • Tryouts with Prospective Students & 24-Week Season

    Approved Ruling: Tryouts of prospective students, in accordance with NAIA Bylaws, shall not constitute practice per Article I, Section H, Item 6, although institutional team members may be involved. Such activity if conducted outside of the team’s 24-week season will not trigger the 24-week season. The National Eligibility Committee has ruled that the “prospective student”…

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  • Calculating Forfeits & Rescheduled Games into FOP Limits

    Bylaw: Article I, Section H, Item 1 “The maximum number of varsity games, contests or playing dates an institution may schedule is listed in Article I, Section H, Item 1… Further, no student may compete in a sport in an academic year in more than the number of games, contests or playing dates listed below…

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  • Competitive Cheer and Competitive Dance Camps

    Bylaw: Article I, Section H, Item 6 “Practice will be defined as follows: An activity organized and/or directed by an identified member of the coaching staff of that sport in which appropriate equipment is used or instruction and/or evaluation of the athlete takes place.” Interpretation If a Competitive Cheer or Competitive Dance camp occurs on…

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  • Practice and Competition Breaks During Natural Disasters

    Bylaw: Article I, Section H, Item 5 “There shall be no more than three break periods during the 24 weeks. NAIA-approved postseason participation shall not be counted as part of the 24-week period. A week is defined as Monday (12:00 a.m.) through Sunday (11:59 p.m.). Any practice or competition during this period shall constitute one…

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  • 24-Week Season Exemption – Approved Postseason

    When a conference, A.I.I., or unaffiliated grouping qualifying competition occurs, any practice activities occurring during the week(s) of the competition will be exempt. Once teams are selected for NAIA national championship competition, institutions not selected must cease practice activities or comply thereafter with the restrictions of the 24-week rule. Any regular season or non-qualifying events…

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  • Two NAIA Teams Competing Internationally

    Bylaw: Article I, Section H, Item 4 “A maximum of two contests against teams from foreign countries (excluding Canada and Mexico) played in the United States and/or Canada/Mexico will be permitted without counting against the frequency of play limits. Contests held in a foreign country (except Canada and Mexico) will not apply to the limitation.…

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