Prospective Student-Athletes: Tryouts & Camps/Clinics


Approved Ruling: Tryouts of prospective students, in accordance with NAIA Bylaws, shall not constitute practice per Article I, Section H, Item 6, although institutional team members may be involved. Such activity if conducted outside of the team’s 24-week season will not trigger the 24-week season.

Tryouts may occur at any point throughout the calendar year. A tryout conducted on one day will count as one of the total two days a potential student-athlete may utilize per NAIA institution. Tryouts must be institutional policy and must apply to all students with special talents. The policy cannot apply solely to athletes.

Sport Clinics/ Summer Camps

Approved Ruling: Clinics and summer camps conducted by coaches and or sport programs will not be considered tryouts as long as the coach conducting the clinic or camp does not:

  1. Give a particular prospective student-athletes special instruction not offered to others in attendance,
  2. Give particular prospective student-athletes repeated use in drills or as the โ€œexample playerโ€,
  3. Give particular prospective student-athletes special treatment that the rest of the attendees do not receive (i.e., participate in the clinic without paying a fee which all other attendees must pay, free transportation from the coaches, etc.). These type of benefits would constitute a violation of the Financial Aid Bylaw Article II, Section B.