Year: 2019

  • Senior Exception to 12-Hour Enrollment Rule – Location

    Bylaw: Article V, Section C, Item 3 “The student must be identified and enrolled in a minimum of 12 institutional credit hours at the time of participation. EXCEPTION: A student who will complete requirements for graduation for a baccalaureate degree within 10 semesters, 15 quarters, 12 trimesters or less may retain eligibility during the last…

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  • Multiple GPA’s Weighted vs. Unweighted

    Bylaw: Article V, Section C, Item 2b Effective May 1, 2022 as applied to eligibility decisions for NAIA competition in August 2022 or beyond: An entering freshman student can become eligible by achieving an overall high school grade point average of 2.300 or higher on a 4.000 scale. “An entering freshman student must meet two…

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  • Greco Roman Wrestling

    Bylaw: Article V, Section B, Item 23 “Varsity Intercollegiate Sport: A sport that has been accorded that status by the institution’s chief executive officer or committee responsible for intercollegiate athletics policy and satisfies all of the following conditions: a. It is a sport that is administered by the department of intercollegiate athletics; b. It is…

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  • Discontinuance of a Sport During a Season

    Bylaw: Article V, Section B, Item 20 “Season of Competition: Participation in one or more intercollegiate contests whether in a varsity, junior varsity or freshman program. The NAIA shall count seasons of competition based on intercollegiate participation charged by another intercollegiate athletic association. Casebook Example When an NAIA institution discontinues a sport immediately, during the…

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  • Identification for Graduate Students

    Bylaw: Article V, Section B, Item 8 “Identification: Representing an institution in an intercollegiate contest or enrolling in 12 or more institutional credit hours with a minimum of nine institutional credit hours at the NAIA member institution in any given term (excluding summer session) as reported by the institution’s registrar on an official transcript based…

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  • Additional Hours Earned During a Term of Attendance

    Bylaw: Article V, Section B, Item 8 “Identification: Representing an institution in an intercollegiate contest or enrolling in 12 or more institutional credit hours with a minimum of nine institutional credit hours at the NAIA member institution in any given term (excluding summer session) as reported by the institution’s registrar on an official transcript based…

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  • NAC Policy Section XXV, Item 12 – Countable Opponents & Open Meets

    Policy: NAC Policy Section XXV, Item 12 “For games to be considered countable (i.e. included in statistics, won-loss records, and coaching records), all of the following must be true: a. The institution must be accredited by one of the six recognized regional accrediting bodies in the U.S., or hold membership in the NAIA, Universities Canada,…

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  • NAC Policy Section IX – Mixed Team Competition

    Policy: NAC Policy Section IX “When competition in a sport is separated by gender, a mixed team is an intercollegiate team on which at least one individual of each gender participates. a. Mixed teams are considered as a men’s team for sponsorship and postseason qualification purposes. If a mixed team qualifies as a team for…

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  • Soccer Games and Additional Soccer Dates

    Bylaw: Article I, Section H, Item 1 For the sport of soccer, the frequency of play limits state: “18 games played at any time during the sport season. Three additional dates to be played only after the fall term has concluded. The three additional dates may be played only during weekends and other nonscheduled class…

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  • 7 on 7 Soccer Competitions

    Bylaw: Article I, Section H, Item 1 “The maximum number of varsity games, contests or playing dates an institution may schedule is listed in Article I, Section G, Item 1… . Further, no student may compete in a sport in an academic year in more than the number of games, contests or playing dates listed…

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